Edition: 24-April-2019
Both Wordshark 5 and Numbershark 5 include a wide variety of games. However, the number of games available to you varies, based on which Wordshark word list or Numbershark topic that you have selected.
We have carefully matched the games available to ensure they work with your chosen word list or topic.
In many cases, you will see a tab that lists a few “specially recommended” games, more “also recommended” and then a tab that shows “all available games” You will not see all of the games for any list.
We hide games that would not work:
In Wordshark, some games will only appear in specific contexts.
In BOTH programs, you can go to the “Search” menu, and see the range of games within “Game Search”.
Options within games:
Many games have an “Options” button (top left of screen). Options selected can make a big difference to the appearance and difficulty of a given game.
Try experimenting with the options in “Maze” in Wordshark. In Numbershark, try “Balance” on some easy addition, using the “options”. For a greater challenge look at “Fractions / Adding fractions with denominators that are not multiples” and look at the options in “Majong”.