Games or features within games are missing
FAQ Some of my games have gone missing
FAQ Some of my games have gone missing! Edition: 24-April-2019 Both Wordshark 5 and Numbershark 5 include a wide variety of games. However, the number of games available to you varies, based on which Wordshark word list or Numbershark topic that you ...
FAQ Some of my games or features have gone missing
FAQ Some of my games have gone missing! Edition: 24-April-2019 Both Wordshark 5 and Numbershark 5 include a wide variety of games. However, the number of games available to you varies, based on which Wordshark word list or Numbershark topic that you ...
FAQs for V5
General FAQs for Wordshark 5 and Numbershark 5 Edition 03/04/2019 On a score of 1 to 10 (10 = most complex), how complex and user-friendly is the software? taking 1 as “cause and effect” suitable for a profoundly disabled learner with single switch ...